US Gold Bureau

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US Gold Bureau
Discussion in ‘PM Dealer Feedback’ started by AndyB, Nov 28, 2010.


AndyB New Member
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Any one deal with company before?

AndyB, Nov 28, 2010
Rollie Free
Rollie Free Gold Member Gold Chaser
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I answered their website questionnaire and hit send. Said they would call me within 48 hours to get my information about getting one American Silver Eagle well below cost. A marketing thing.

I have received no phone call or any other correspondence but I have gotten emails on a daily basis asking me to buy one thing or another.

Sorry, you either do it on the up and up and do it with precision or I am out. Before anyone calls me a bargain hunter or cherry picker remember THEY are the ones who advertised such a thing and THEY are the ones who didn’t live up to it.

I am always amazed at how absent minded companies can be until you owe THEM money.

Rollie Free, Dec 5, 2010
Firenhole Seeker Seeker
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I filled out the above form for a free subscription to “The Gold Monitor” and I checked the box to receive a FREE graded Silver Eagle and I only had to pay S&H $9.95, the next day I got a 5 min. call from a Rep asking me basic questions, I told him I was researching and not ready to purchase bullion only, he said he’d call back next week. I obviously had to give him a CC # (pre-paid Visa) for S&H, I’ll update. I think I bought 10 1/10oz GAE’s from them back in 2007 or 2008 for spot? I can’t pass up such a deal…

Firenhole, Feb 9, 2011
Silver Buck
Silver Buck Gold Member Gold Chaser
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I filled out the form. We’ll see what happens.

1/10 GAEs at spot? Here’s to hoping!

The Gin Bottle is a charting hack. Listen to it at your own risk.

Silver Buck, Feb 9, 2011
C&L 1911
C&L 1911 Seeker Seeker
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Sounds an awful lot like just anther flavor of that same company out of Houston area that goes by about a dozen of different names pushing overpriced “collectible” coins to elderly and other “less-than-informed” customers. They are the ones that run the ads in many magazines using SAEs and GAEs as loss leaders just to get your information. Most of GIMmers have gotten some decent deals from them in the past, but you have to understand whom you’re dealing with.  If you like this post, be sure to read our review of the US Gold Bureau.

C&L 1911, Feb 9, 2011
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Silver Buck said: ↑

I filled out the form. We’ll see what happens.

1/10 GAEs at spot? Here’s to hoping!

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more like dreaming…lol NO mention of any offers except the 1 ASE for $9.95…

Firenhole, Feb 9, 2011
Silver Buck
Silver Buck Gold Member Gold Chaser
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Firenhole said: ↑
more like dreaming…lol NO mention of any offers except the 1 ASE for $9.95…
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I’m not going to be holding my breath.

The Gin Bottle is a charting hack. Listen to it at your own risk.

Silver Buck, Feb 9, 2011
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received shipping confirmation w/ tracking number…also 2 e-mail offers that were deleted, after I get SAE I will opt out of receiving future e-mails. I cannot pass up free ($25.00) silver…

Firenhole, Feb 10, 2011
Firenhole Seeker Seeker
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got my 2010 PCGS MS69 SAE today with a brochure, so far no sales calls, I will unsubscribe from future e-mails when I get the next offer. Gotta love free silver……..

Firenhole, Feb 14, 2011
newmisty Duppy Conqueror Midas Member
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Mine is on the way too. Dude called me and I polightly declined further purchases at this time. THen I called after reading their email about having the ATB coins for sale. They wanted $2300+ ! I told him what they are going for on the bay and what I paid from Amark. I always enjoy free silver too.

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newmisty, Feb 14, 2011
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newmisty said: ↑
Mine is on the way too. Dude called me and I polightly declined further purchases at this time. THen I called after reading their email about having the ATB coins for sale. They wanted $2300+ ! I told him what they are going for on the bay and what I paid from Amark. I always enjoy free silver too.
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did your SAE arrive?

Firenhole, Feb 21, 2011
newmisty Duppy Conqueror Midas Member
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Yes, it came in over a week ago, I forgot to post it.

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Truthfulness – Benevolence – Forbearance
newmisty, Feb 22, 2011
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deweytucker Site Supporter Site Supporter Seeker
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newmisty said: ↑
Yes, it came in over a week ago, I forgot to post it.
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Got mine today. Had to reapply and ask for it in the comments box, but sure enough i received a call and have a SAE for $9.95 4 days later. Now the phone screening begins…

deweytucker, Feb 28, 2011
newmisty Duppy Conqueror Midas Member
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I have only received one call to date. Just get a few emails from time to time which I am happy to review to keep tabs on the vendors, pricing and marketing.

Truthfulness – Benevolence – Forbearance
newmisty, Mar 1, 2011
Sindgefallen Gold Member Gold Chaser
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These guys wouldn’t give me the SAE. They acted like it was never asked for in the form.

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”- Thomas Jefferson

GIM since FEB 2007.

“Men prefer a false promise to a flat refusal”
Quintus Cicero
Sindgefallen, Mar 1, 2011
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Sindgefallen said: ↑
These guys wouldn’t give me the SAE. They acted like it was never asked for in the form.
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it does say “for legitimate investors”….lol I.. would’ve threatened to ruin their AAA+ BBB rating. You’re the first I’ve read about, more than 10 have received them that I know of…sorry man!

Firenhole, Mar 1, 2011
Sindgefallen Gold Member Gold Chaser
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Firenhole said: ↑
it does say “for legitimate investors”….lol I.. would’ve threatened to ruin their AAA+ BBB rating. You’re the first I’ve read about, more than 10 have received them that I know of…sorry man!
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Oh well. It has not been my silver buying month but now it’s March. May be better. I wrote a negative email to them but never picked up the phone when they called back.

“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”- Thomas Jefferson

GIM since FEB 2007.

“Men prefer a false promise to a flat refusal”
Quintus Cicero
Sindgefallen, Mar 1, 2011

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